neodymiummagnet's Blog

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Lasers and magnets retain the key

Seagate's solution is to china neodymium magnets use a larger (and stable) magnetic storage, however current devices are incapable of write to such media. Heat-assisted magnetic recording gets for this problem simply using a highly focused lazer to heat the complete cell where details are being recorded. If your magnetic cell being recorded is heated, its individual coercivity is reduced making it easier to change their direction of magnetism, essentially making each cell much better to write too. Adopting the write process cells are rapidly cooled, locking the written data in place. Heat-assisted magnetic recording allows manufacturers to cram more items of information, individual magnetic cells, into hard disks. This might bring about storage densities as great as 50 terabits per sq . inch and 20TB hard disk drives by 2020 according to turkey magnets Seagate, the company leading the study. In the event you an existing disk drive, do you know it is possible to retrieve the neodymium magnets from using it? We'll be shortly after that post with your help guide retrieving neodymium magnets from the old computer drives so watch this space. Alternatively follow us to have our blog articles direct your news feed.